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Serious Inquiries as a Result of OSBA Participation

If you’ve ever heard the motto attributed to the post office “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”, then you have a small glimpse of our recent attendance at the Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) conference!

We had our first major snow fall on day 2, turning on-ramps and smooth flowing highways into parking lots. But this didn’t deter us from representing School Ministries Ohio and Released Time Bible Education programs across the state. We were grateful to be joined by volunteers Cindy Rainsberger and Benita Miller. (Thank you for your help, ladies!)

Many stared at our booth curiously, some just came for the free candy and pens, but some walked right up and said “this is why I came to the conference”. Serious inquirers took brochures, asked pointed questions and showed their passion to start Released Time in their community.

One of the most inspiring contacts was with an 18-year-old student, newly elected to the board of his school district.  He wanted to be a catalyst for change, asking detailed questions about what needed to happen to advance this opportunity right where he lives.

During the two-day conference, we were privileged to be among 600 other school service organizations including safety, nutrition and even furniture.

But we were unique in representing one of the most powerful, life changing messages still unknown to many. Released Time Bible Education is legal and we can share the steps to help others begin this outreach, sharing the love of God’s word and word of God’s love to those who’ve never heard.

How can you help?

Please pray for us as we continue to spread the word about this important work.

Consider a monthly partnership by helping us financially. No gift is too small. Donate here.




P.O. Box 707, Delaware, OH 43015

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